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Growing Peace

"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later." -Og Mandino

I love to watch things grow, especially seeds that have been placed in soil. There is an anticipation of when they might break through and you can actually see the outcome of what you have done. This process of nurturing something and seeing what grows from it has been used as a metaphor for so many things, especially relationships and projects. I look at my own journey and the seeds of hope I plant along the way, anticipating that what is happening with the Peace On Earth Tour is making progress and will grow the energy of peace throughout the beautiful USA and spread into all the world. I stood today with Josie at the site of a wonderful land blessing at her home in Florida. I remember the look on Ricky’s face and how happy he was to be a part of such a mission. He even created a memorial for the spot! I know he is nurturing those seeds that were planted there with love from spirit.

Dear Angels, gardening is a continuous learning process. we must embrace both the successes and the challenges, and not be discouraged by setbacks. Our only responsibility is to do the planting and nurturing. We are not responsible for any other variables. If we focus on what might hinder the progress of the growth of peace, then surely we have misunderstood our mission. Whatever we focus on will expand in our world. I choose to focus on peace.

Dear Ones, the process of nurturing life from a tiny seed to a bountiful harvest is a source of joy and satisfaction. The more seeds of love and peace that you sow in the world, the more likely they are to take root and expand both underground and above where you actually can see the result. Know that the very act of caring enough to set the intention of expanding peace is what is important. If every heart on the planet felt this way, the world would look very different. We assure you, Dear Ones, that the effort you are taking now will be rewarded. Keep planting the seeds wherever you go. Talk to your loved ones about peace, your neighbors, your colleagues. Keep putting out the message and it has no choice but to be heard. Speak of it often. Get it to those who are making decisions in your world. Keep persevering in speaking peace and watch the seedlings grow into tall trees.

Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste y’all.

Today, I promise to keep moving and speaking words of peace and love, and revisiting where those seeds have been planted.


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