Plan B May Be Plan A

“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it.” – Wilfred Peterson
When the Angelmobile rolled into California in 2021 it was my fourth visit to the Golden State. I really had no desire to go back until the journey was given to me. When I was told that I would visit the sacred mountains I knew Mt. Shasta had to be one of them. I was unsure what the details were, as has been the case the majority of the time, yet I knew I was supposed to be there. I was excited to see my awesome friend Karen again. We talked excitedly about the time together and I would finally meet Kayleigh, the Wonder Dog and Fergie the chanting kitty. We had a plan.
I received a message one day from someone who had become a regular on the morning get-together called Morning Cuppa Joy. Rosalyn was delightful and always insightful in her comments. Her message was that she had an Air B-N-B and would love to have me stay there when I came into California. I thanked her and assured her that I had housing but would love to meet her while there. Well, not only did I get to meet her but it seems her place was plan A according to the Universe. When the housing opportunity fell through, Rosalyn welcomed me to her home with open arms and it was close enough to Karen that I could drive there and spend time and Karen could come visit me at Rosalyn’s. They hit it off immediately and we were three excited soul sisters playing in the big playground of central California. Angels, we can look back and see how the Divine has already sorted out things in our lives when we make a detour from the plan or don’t have enough clarity about it. How do we hear it more clearly in the first place so we don’t veer away from it?
Dear Ones, it really is not complicated but humans sometimes take the long way around and not the direct path. If you look at your route guidance system you will see there are options. There may be times when the shortest route will take you the longest amount of time to arrive while the “longer” one will end up getting you there faster. In life you will have many choices to make. As you listen to your guides telling you turn right, make a U-turn, beware of hazards, you pay close attention, do you not? Rarely do you say “I think I’ll try my way and see what happens” especially in unfamiliar territory. As you make changes in life and are considering which way to go, where to place your energy, focus on what feels most in alignment. You will still reach your desired outcome even if you take the longest route to get to it but Dear Ones we want your experience on Earth to be a beautiful one full of ease and grace. Stop focusing on getting it wrong. The biggest blessing may be in the detour along the way. Let these moments be teaching moments for you without criticizing yourself for not hearing it right. Your quiet moments are essential to develop more acuity of hearing your guides when they speak. Be sure to take that time every day. You will find fewer potholes when you do and may see more dolphins.
This journey has taught me so much about faith and going deeper inside for answers. I commit to a daily meditation routine, Angels. I really dislike potholes.
Teri Angel is an angelspeaker – one who receives and delivers messages from the Divine. She is an author, teacher, peaceful warrior and creator of the movement Peas For Peace as part of the Peace On Earth Tour, a movement of loving our Mama Gaia. You can contact her at or visit the website for more information about how you can be involved in the movement and mission to bring in more peace, love and joy to our planet.
The recent Colorado fires left many residents there without homes, others without electricity. If you would like to contribute to our fundraiser for two residents affected by the fire, please click this link:
Great 3 friends!🙏❤️🥰💐