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Another Earth Angel Got Her Wings

I trust the process of life and know that I am Divinely guided and directed every step of the way. Rev. Dr. Sharron Stroud

Once more I am finding myself bidding adieu to another friend, mentor, beautiful soul. I knew Reverend Sharron was struggling and kept up every day with what her daughter shared about any improvements or setbacks while she was in the hospital. The human me was yelling out to her to rise up, fight, cheering her with encouraging words and prayers for recovery. Sharron, however, had a different Divine plan other than what I envisioned for her. How many times do I find myself teaching that very thing? How many times before it sinks in? We don’t see the big picture. My heart sank when I read the message from her beloved daughter Tricia. I hurt for her. She was an energizer bunny of encouragement for all of us that loved her mom and were praying and hoping for the outcome we wanted to happen. It was her Divine time to leave her physical body. No amount of wanting it to be otherwise would make a difference. We are not immortal. These human bodysuits have a return date. I am only saddened by the fact that she suffered at the end. And I rejoice in the fact that she is out of that pain.

Sharron is someone who welcomed me without hesitation into her beautiful Rose of Sharron sanctuary. Our souls rejoiced in seeing each other in the physical world, as we knew this was not a “first-time” meeting on the soul level. This beautiful nonjudgmental sister became so important to me. We sat in her living room and she shared her ministry of peace. We spent hours going through the book she was presented in India after she visited there. She shared how much she loved her view of what she lovingly referred to as “MY Himalayas” which were the mountains visible though her windows. Sharron was a Pea For Peace, one of our family of peace visionaries who share a desire to bring in more peace on earth through the efforts of the Peace On Earth Tour. We performed a land blessing across the street from her home and she gave me a special name that day – She Who Blesses The Sacred Land.

Dear Angels, once again someone so full of love and light has entered the heavenly realm and left a hole in my heart that is a bit tender already. Do you have any words for those of us who are celebrating our sister getting her wings and at the same time crying a tear at our loss?

Dear Ones, we see your tender hearts and know that you are doing the best you can as you grapple with the grief over saying goodbye to loved ones who go on to their Divine destination. Remember her words, Dear Ones, as she trusted the process. Your beautiful friend was ready for her next adventure. She has left you, and this you well know. Sit and learn even more from her as she will be teaching all of you from beyond the veil and guiding your mission. With every peaceful act you do, honor her as she will be standing beside you encouraging you to rise “higher yet.”

Dear Angels, thank you. You have made my heart a little lighter tonight. I love you. Namaste Y’all.

Reverend Dr. Sharron Stroud left her physical body on January 25, 2022. She was my friend and soul sister. I lift up all of her friends and family, especially her daughter Tricia who she absolutely adored and her furbaby Miss Minnie. Here is the poem I wrote for her and she hung it in her home.


In your eyes I see the compassion of your soul

In your heart I feel your love for all beings

In your hands I see your giving and your warmth

You are God’s Light shining here on Earth.

Teri Angel is an angelspeaker – one who receives and delivers messages from the Divine. She is an author, teacher, peaceful warrior and creator of the movement Peas For Peace as part of the Peace On Earth Tour, a movement of loving our Mama Gaia. You can contact her at or visit the website for more information about how you can be involved in the movement and mission to bring in more peace, love and joy to our planet.


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