“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” — Rosa Parks
As I reflect on my journey, I have realized some very powerful facts about fear. It is only real if we believe it is. Fear dissipates when love is brought in because they cannot reside together inside of us. Love will overpower the fear and help us with the challenge before us. When we make up our minds about something, we create a sense of clarity and purpose. We know what we want, and we're willing to take the necessary steps to achieve it. This decision-making process is liberating, as it allows us to focus on our goals and move forward with confidence. Fear, on the other hand, thrives in the midst of uncertainty and doubt. When we're unsure about what we want or where we're going, fear can creep in and hold us back. But when our minds are made up, we can face challenges head-on, knowing that we're on the right path. As we navigate our journey, we'll inevitably encounter people who doubt us, criticize us, or try to bring us down. It's essential to remember that their opinions don't define our worth or our abilities. We must learn to filter out the negative voices and surround ourselves with people who uplift and support us.
Dear Angels, please help us understand more about our equality in abundance, love, joy and how we can go beyond any comparison or low vibration that will inhibit us from receiving.
Dear Ones, you are all created equal. Regardless of your backgrounds, cultures, or socio-economic status, you are all human beings, deserving of respect, dignity, and compassion. When you recognize this fundamental truth, you can break down barriers and build bridges of understanding. You can see beyond the surface level and appreciate the inherent value in every individual. This realization helps you to stay grounded, empathetic, and humble, even in the face of adversity. When your minds are made up, you experience a sense of freedom that's hard to describe. You are no longer held back by fear, doubt, or uncertainty. You are able to take ownership of your decisions, your actions, and your lives. You can pursue your passions, stand up for what you believe in, and live with integrity. This freedom is not just a feeling; it's a state of being that allows you to thrive, to grow, and to make a positive impact on the world around you.
Angel Whisper: we encourage you to make up your mind about what you want to achieve, what you stand for, and what you believe in. When you do, you'll experience the freedom, the empowerment, and the joy that comes with living a life of purpose and conviction. Remember, you are capable, you are strong, and you are equal to any challenge that comes your way.
Today, I promise to stay focused on being on equal footing with my fellow humans and call in that which my heart desires.
Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and a motivational speaker. Teri is an International Peace Ambassador and the founder of a nonprofit organization, Angelspeakers Inc., which offers educational workshops and events centered around environmental awareness to include animals and nature, peace advocacy opportunities and ancient wisdom teachings. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace.
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