“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Have you ever felt belittled by someone's words or actions? Maybe a careless comment pierced your heart, or a dismissive glance made you question your worth. In moments like these, it's easy to let negativity take root. I admit that I let this happen in my past. You notice I said “let” because we all have a choice in how we respond/react to others in our lives. We have to give consent to allow someone to take our power away! In other words, our worth is not defined by others but by ourselves. When someone tries to make you feel less than who you are, recognize that they do not have the authority to define your worth. Your value comes from within, from the very essence of who you are. Every human being is a unique spark of divine light, a creation filled with purpose and potential. No one's opinion can change that. The power to feel confident, worthy, and strong lies within us. We often give others too much control over our emotions, allowing their words or actions to dictate how we feel about ourselves. But this power is ours to reclaim. The moment we decide not to let negativity affect us is the moment we start living in our truth.
Dear Angels, as we journey through life, we encounter both uplifting and challenging people. While some may lift us up, others may try to bring us down. It is in these moments of challenge that we must stand firm in the truth of who we are.
Dear Ones, when someone criticizes you or tries to make you feel small, pause and take a deep breath. Remind yourself that their words are a reflection of them, not of you. Instead of reacting with hurt or anger, respond with compassion. Know that those who seek to make others feel inferior are often struggling with their own insecurities. By choosing not to take their words to heart, you also free yourself from their negativity. We encourage you to remember that no one has the power to make you feel inferior unless you let them. You hold the keys to your own happiness and self-worth. Choose to see yourself as the magnificent being you are. Choose to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Choose to let your inner light shine brightly, no matter what others may say. In the end, the only person who can truly define your worth is you. Stand tall, embrace your power, and walk in the confidence that you are enough just as you are. You are a divine creation, and nothing and no one can take that away from you. Stay empowered, stay inspired, and remember that you are worthy of all the love and light the universe has to offer.
Dear Angels, thank you. I love you. Namaste, y’all.
Today, I promise to stay in my divine authenticity and remember my magnificence.
Teri Angel is a Happiness Coach, energy healer, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and mentor, and motivational speaker. Teri’s movement “Peas For Peace” involves strengthening our awareness of the oneness of all, unifying mankind through compassion, peace, love and joy. She was named "She Who Blesses the Sacred Land" during the Peace On Earth Tour and embraces that title with loving grace. Teri is also the co-founder of the global movement and non-profit organization Ten Million For World Peace.
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